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Meet the ECDFS Team

1. Why do you work in the field of Early Childhood Development & Family Studies?

- “I believe that the formative years are definitely the most critical years for every child and because of this I think that we, as educators, owe it to them to give them the best possible opportunities to achieve their optimum development. For me, it is rewarding because I have the pleasure of tracking the growth and development of every child as an ECP and get to witness the pure joy on their faces when they have their ‘Ah-Ha’ moments. As a lecturer in this field, I am able to positively impact the personal and professional growth of aspiring ECPs to assist them in becoming current in best practices and to develop the mindset that every child matters and deserves a fair chance at learning and to further impart to them that Early Childhood Development is not about arbitrarily teaching a child(ren), but rather, requires thought, consideration and acceptance.” (Tracey Little, T&T, CC, ECFS1007, ECFS2001, ECFS2004)

  • - “Helping to pave the way for a bright and successful future starts with those who will work with the children. Equipping these individuals means that I know that I have done my part to make a difference for the future.” (Auroa Ventour, T&T, CC, ECFS1002 & ECFS1008)
  • - “I work in the field of Early Childhood Development and Family Studies, because this is where the teachers/practitioners who work at the foundational level of the school system are trained. My belief is that these persons should be well trained, since they are the first line of contact for parents and their young children that they bring to school. Therefore, I want to be a part of the team, that will help to equip these teachers/practitioners with the knowledge and skills that they need, to make the experiences at this level, rich and rewarding for both young children and their parents.” (Telka London, Bahamas, Tutor, ECFS2006 & 2007)
  • - “I work in the field of Early Childhood Development & Family Studies because I want to help students and student teachers to learn the principles of teaching young and they can also learn to direct and operate childcare centres. This has always been my passion and as such I love doing it. The early childhood education field is an exciting and rewarding career choice. Professionals within the field have the capacity to impact children’s present development as well as build a foundation from which future development can flourish. Career options within the field are extensive, and provide a variety of opportunities to work directly or indirectly with young children, their families, and their communities.” (Sidia Salmon, Jamaica, Tutor, ECFS2001 & 2006)
  • - “I work in this field because I believe that when society at the macro, meso, and micro levels appropriately support and nurture children, there is a greater opportunity for a positive and productive adulthood which benefits not only the individual and their future societal experiences and relationships but the community and nations in which they live.” (Shari Rampersaud, Tutor, Canada, ECFS1008, 2001 & 2002)

2. If a prospective student said to you, “I am interested in studying the online Early Childhood Development and Family Studies Programme,” what would your response be?

  • - “Go for it! You will never regret doing the program due to its flexibility, diversity, and the high quality of the content.” (Dr. Timar Stephenson, Turks & Caicos, CC, ECFS2009 & 3003)
  • - “Certainly! Go right ahead. You have the advantage of working in the comfort of your home, organizing and managing your time around your work schedule and you will have access to the most current information through online Library at your fingertips. You will also be supported by a cadre of dedicated persons who are committed to your success. Throughout your course, should you encounter any technical difficulty; The Helpdesk is right there to assist you. All you need to succeed is proper time management and a working computer. All the resources you need are available to you and in addition to that you enjoy all the right and privileges of face - face students who are on the University campuses.” (Loetha Greyson Jamaica, Tutor, ECFS2002)
  • - “Oh sure, it’s very interesting, flexible and convenient. Not only will you be immersed in a wealth of information but you will also get a first-hand experience of dealing with children at the early childhood level. This experience is provided through the different practicums that you will be engaged in.” (Latoya Beckford, Jamaica, Tutor, ECFS1007)
  • - “Fantastic! Go for it! For not only will you learn how to appropriately support the learning of young children and their families but you will also discover the positive impact that doing so will have on the future of those young minds and their subsequent mental and emotional development as well as your own life.” (Shari Rampersaud, Tutor, Canada, ECFS1008, ECFS2002 & ECFS2006)
  • - “I would say that doing so is a wise investment for the following reasons:
    •          -The programme is accredited
    •          -It is convenient. You can choose when and where you want to study. Once you have access to a computer and high-speed internet, the required browser and any additional required software, you can study from anywhere.
    •          -Qualified, experienced Course Coordinators and e-Tutors facilitate the courses in the Programme.
    •          -Course resources are made available to all students who are enrolled in each course of the Programme.
    •          -UWIlinC has a wide variety and range of free, up to date library resources.”( Telka London, Bahamas, Tutor, ECFS2007)
  • - “I would tell the student, “Go for it” but understand that it requires consistent and effective hard work and a personal commitment to excellence, follow-through and completion.” (Tracey Little, T&T, CC, ECFS1007 , ECFS2001 & ECFS2004)
  • - “It is a great opportunity to acquire new knowledge, reinforce old knowledge and develop skills that would make you a well-equipped practitioner, whether you choose to work with children directly in the early childhood setting, with their families, or in the background influencing policy and procedure.” (Auroa Ventour, T&T, CC, ECFS1002 & ECFS1008)
  • - “The Early Childhood Development & Family Studies Programme provides information that is at the cutting edge of education. The programme is designed so that persons from all fields can understand and it is geared for students to succeed.” (Cheryl Ralph, T&T, Tutor, ECFS3002, ECFS1007 & ECFS2006)

3. Based on your experience as an online facilitator, what personality traits do you think is required for an online ECDFS student?

  • - “You have to be transformational, energetic and love technology.” (Dr. Timar Stephenson, Turks & Caicos, CC, ECFS2009 & 3003)
  • - “You must be:
    •         -Disciplined
    •         -Motivated intrinsically and extrinsically
    •         -Comfortable working in virtual environment.
    •         -Goal oriented.
    •         -Hard working
    •         -Able to communicate effectively”
               (Latoya Beckford, Jamaica, Tutor, ECFS1007)
  • - “I believe the personality traits required for an online ECDFS student are: patience, inquisitiveness, determination, kindness, solution-focused, meticulous, creative and nurturing.” (Shari Rampersaud, Tutor, Canada, ECFS1008, 2002 & 2006)
  • - “In my opinion the personality traits of an online ECDFS student are:
    •         -have a passion for creating positive changes in the lives of young children and their families.
    •         -be able to take responsibility for his or her own learning
    •         -be open and willing to share experiences, which will contribute to own learning and that of others.
    •          -be a life-long learner - always seeking knowledge
    •          -be able to apply knowledge and skills acquired in each course of the programme in a way that makes learning meaningful.
    •          -be willing to make mistakes and learn from them”
                 (Telka London, Bahamas, Tutor, ECFS2007)


  • - “I think that an online ECDFS student must be enthusiastic have a positive and open attitude towards the content and feedback. The student must possess strong communication skills since this is what is consistently required in the virtual classroom. S/he must be goal oriented and disciplined in order to keep pace with the Units and Courses alike. Lastly, the student must be persistent and keep going and learning from challenges that may be encountered.” (Tracey Little, T&T, CC, ECFS1007, ECFS2001 & ECFS2004)
  • - “Committed (to stick with the programme and make the necessary changes to their lives should things not go the way they hoped)
    •           -Open to new experiences (to see the challenges they face as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks)
    •           -Conscientious (to be more likely to complete work and be willing to help others)
    •           -Sociable (for participating in discussion in synchronous and asynchronous teaching)”                        (Auroa Ventour, T&T, CC, ECFS1002 & ECFS1008)
  • - “A student should be intrinsically motivated, committed and have an innate need to succeed and be driven to not just acquire knowledge, but be abreast of the latest research in the field of early childhood development.” (Cheryl Ralph, T&T, Tutor, ECFS2002, ECFS1007 & ECFS2006)

4.What study tips would you share with a prospective online ECDFS student?

  • - “Time management is paramount.” (Dr. Timar Stephenson, Turks & Caicos, CC, ECFS2009 & 3003)
  • - “Participate in all required discussions and activities
    •         -Check the learning environment daily.
    •         -Complete and submit all assignments on time.
    •         -Make connections, find yourself a” study buddy “it makes life much easier.”
               (Loetha Greyson Jamaica, Tutor, ECFS2002)
  • - “My study tips to prospective online ECDFS students are:
    •         -Manage your time wisely
    •         -Read your course outline and schedule.
    •         -Participate in course activities.
    •         -Be committed” (Latoya Beckford, Jamaica, Tutor, ECFS1007)
  • - “Pace yourself and pay close attention to your readings.
    •         -Develop a written schedule in order to help manage your time well.
    •         -Be positive and keep your eye on the prize as you’re not only undertaking these studies to put yourself in a better position, but you will eventually have the ability to impact young lives in a positive manner.” (Shari Rampersaud, Tutor, Canada, ECFS1008,  2002, & 2006)
  • - “Ensure that you have a working computer and stable internet access.
    •         -Ensure that you have a basic knowledge of Microsoft Office Applications,
    •         -Particularly Microsoft Word.
    •         -Aim to have approximately 1 hour every day to work on learning activities and do
    •         -Reading, and 3-4 hours on a weekend to work on assignments.” (Auroa Ventour, T&T, CC, ECFS1002 & ECFS1008)
  • -“I would advise the student to manage his/her time well so that there is balance regarding work, family life and study. This could be done by mapping out his/her personal schedule ensuring that time is left for ‘me time.’
    •         -If you are confused about any given topic, ASK a question of the tutor, of your peers.
    •         -Research. Research. Research. Read extensively and pointedly, so that you increase your knowledge base.” (Tracey Little, T&T, CC, ECFS1007, ECFS2001, ECFS2004)