





UWIDEC, Cave Hill Activities (November 01, 2003 to March 31, 2004)


Besides carrying out the routine tasks relating to course maintenance & delivery (i.e., updating the materials, incorporating new assignments, etc.) student support services (student registration, queries, etc.) research (course evaluation, tutor evaluation, etc.), during the report period, UWIDEC Cave Hill:


  1. Negotiated with COL for funds to organize a two-day planning meeting on quality assurance issues as they pertain to distance education in the Region. The planning meeting assumes importance in the context of the GATS/WTO, which, when fully implemented, will have profound implications for higher education in the Caribbean. (The planning meeting, tentatively scheduled for April 29 & 30 2004, will involve representatives of UWIDEC, UWI QA Unit, CARICOM, OECS, CXC, etc., and other national/regional QA and accreditation agencies that deal with higher education. The agenda items include (a) sharing of past experiences, if any (b) identifying the unique needs of small island developing states (SIDS) (c) deliberating on the issue of the need for a Regional Accreditation body and (d) chalking out a plan of action. COL is also suggested to undertake similar exercises in other SIDS in order to contribute towards the realisation of one of the UN Millennium Goals.)


  1. Produced a JITL CD for MS33B (Business Strategy and Policy). The CD will form part of the course package after pilot testing. However, a policy must be in place to sustain the efforts as issues pertaining to learner access, faculty inputs, contracts and IPR, network costs, CD production time, instructional design, courseware and service quality, online provisions, etc., are involved. (Some of these issues were outlined during the last APC meeting (Paper 5a).


  1. Implemented the activities relating to the JITL project. (This includes getting the approval of OAS (a) to utilise the funds saved from the project for additional hardware/software and training relating to the production of JITL CDs (b) to extend the project period from December 2003 to March 2004).


  1. Prepared an Execution Plan for the implementation of a new project with OAS. (This OAS-funded project of about US$ 120, 000, begins in April 2004. It aims at building the capacity of UWIDEC to produce multimedia CD for distance learning purposes. It is expected that multimedia CDs and JITL CDs will complement each other and that they will be incorporated into online provisions, as they become available. It is also envisaged that the CDs will be used in face-to-face situations). 


  1. Met with Ms. Paloma Adams, Project Coordinator in charge of the Caribbean, OAS, Washington to discuss project evaluation and audit of the JITL project.


  1. Participated in the OAS-sponsored workshop on writing grant proposals.


  1. Participated in the Regional workshop on WTO matters for academics in the Caribbean.  


  1. Mounted a workshop on the various aspects of web design.



Besides the issues identified in Paper 5a (APC, October 2003) and those listed in Paper 14c (APC, March 2004), it is time UWIDEC had a research policy. One of the weakest points in distance education practices across the world is the contribution of research, or rather lack of it, to system development, and this is no different at UWI. A holistic approach to DE research is essential, given that research in distance education is primarily developmental or systemic in nature. In the absence of a sound research framework, most of our suggestions for improvement may sound anecdotal. The present set up of research must, therefore, evolve into R&D to inform our decisions about instructional design/package, provisions for and implementation of technology-enhanced learning, etc. Furthermore, a framework for continuing professional development is conspicuous in its absence in our operations. A robust research policy must, however, address this issue as well. 




Prepared by Dr Krishna Murugan

March 30, 2004